Is living through a remodel stressful?

Does the Tin Man have a sheet metal backside?

Simply put, even when budgets and schedules are on target, remodel jobs cost more and take longer than any homeowner would like. That said, here are a few pointers to help keep you close to your Zen state:

  1. Get away from the job site. Take a walk, hit the gym, take the kids out for dinner, or plan the longest getaway possible. During a remodel, your house will be in disarray. Removing yourself from it is a great strategy.
  2. Our project managers are responsible for building, maintaining, and updating the construction schedule. When you log into our job management system, you can view the schedule. Knowing what will happen and when will give you peace of mind and a heads-up on what strangers will be inside your home next.
  3. Expect the unexpected. Reading a construction schedule is like watching the weather report: the further out you look, the less accurate it becomes. Typically, we meet our goals for completion, even as tasks in the middle get shuffled around. Weather, material delays, change orders, and trade partner schedules are just some of the things that can influence the schedule. Look, nobody likes watching the sausage get made but the result is pretty yummy. Remain flexible and we are confident that you will like the finished product, which will most certainly outweigh the inevitable inconveniences involved.
  4. Communicate with our team. We’d always like to be on the same page with you about expectations and the defined scope of work. If you have a question or concern, please let us know.
  5. When do I get my kitchen back? If you are remodeling your kitchen, be prepared for extra stress. Most kitchen remodels involve demolishing the kitchen sink and counters, as well as updating appliances. Doing without those things poses a special challenge for families. Here are some ideas that might make the process more manageable:
  • If you have it, utilize a secondary fridge — maybe the one in the garage — or relocate your existing fridge temporarily to another part of the house. You may not be cooking as much but hey, at least you’ll be able to keep your PBRs cold.
  • Consider microwave meals and non-perishable food items that you can warm up in another part of the house.
  • Use disposable plates and flatware. Another option is to scrape all dishes completely free of food scraps and wash them in the laundry sink or bathtub.
  • Eat out. This can get expensive, but you may plan a few meals away from the house. You won’t have to do the dishes or look at the chaos for a couple hours.


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