According to a survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2017, the national median was $101.25 per square foot. A footnote explained that the design and location could change the price…
If you’ve always dreamed of designing your own home on a lot you choose, making the house function just as your family needs it to, and are bored by the…
Kitchen or bath remodels rarely take us more than 6-10 weeks to complete because the work scope is narrow and clearly defined. Larger projects, like whole house remodels or additions…
Start by researching and planning your project completely. Knowing all your design and material choices ahead of time gives your project the best chance to be an on-time success. Set…
We’re going to resist the temptation to elaborate on the pressure Larry Fortensky must have felt the night he became Elizabeth Taylor’s seventh husband. Suffice it to say that if…
Our lead project managers are Paul Huckaby, a master finish carpenter who has been with Fazzolari for more than a decade, and Mark Haley, an industry pro who ran his…
The term “sub” has a bad ring to our ears. Sort of implies that a general contractor like Fazzolari somehow breathes the purer air of Everest. We do use the…
Contractors come in many shapes and sizes. Fazzolari is full-service custom builder that can take you from the infant stages of design and project development to job completion. Below are…
Occasionally, we begin a project only to learn that the newly installed tile backsplash that the homeowner loved in the showroom doesn’t look the same when it reflects, say, the…
Architects are experts in design so naturally we value their ideas and input. We are experts in building homes so we hope that the architects we work with value our…
First, it’s important to understand the difference between a bid and an estimate. A bid is a firm number based on a defined scope of work and specific product or…
You know that new neighborhood that suddenly popped up where the old Peterson farm used to be? Chances are those three hundred new homes were built using the same three…
Hey, we’re not tax attorneys so we’d rather suggest some reading on the subject, as well as a cup of coffee with your accountant. Below is a surface scratch of…
Does the Tin Man have a sheet metal backside? Simply put, even when budgets and schedules are on target, remodel jobs cost more and take longer than any homeowner would…